A charming retirement home

“A comfortable and warm atmosphere”
The architects of this retirement home in Limoges, France, chose the brightness and warmness of the STONEPANEL™ Sylvestre for its wall cladding.
The architect Monique Barge, hand in hand with the company Ducrot, selected traditional and natural materials for this project created in 2013: slate, granite, and wood. With 84 rooms and a surface of 4600 square metres, this retirement home also has mobility accessible spaces for activities on the ground floor.

Perfect for both traditional and modern style projects, the STONEPANEL™ Sylvestre model is composed by light and homogeneous granite stone with a rustic finish. It should be noted that, due to the unique features of its architectonic design, special pieces were used so the panels matched the project perfectly.
The standard format of our panels is 60×20 cm, with a thickness that goes from 3,5 to 5 cm. Special pieces like corners (massive, straight, double or for windows), wall-copings and other complementary pieces, are also available.

STONEPANEL™ is the most efficient, safe, aesthetic, and high-quality wall cladding solution for any type of indoor or outdoor project.
The mechanical stainless steel anchoring system, integrated into the panels, allows its installation above two metres.